Sep 30, 2008
In the weeks since Senator McCain announced Governor Palin as his running mate, the left half of the political spectrum has been rightly foaming at the mouth … but for the wrong reasons.

Governor Palin
On paper, the governor has a lot going for her. She worked herself up from beauty queen to mayor to governor. In the process, she locked horns with and defeated those who underestimated her. If her looks helped some, I doubt it helped more than the family money and connections that politicians typically bring to the table. As both mayor and governor, she hauled in the cash from Washington. She’s got a good personal narrative given her constituency, a combination of loving mother, self made politician and rugged outdoorsman. So what’s the problem?
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Sep 30, 2008
Is John McCain’s reputation permanently damaged?
Josh Marshall says:
I’ve been thinking over the last few days that if John McCain loses this election he will have lost much more than the presidency. His reputation as an honest and honorable politician will be wrecked, I suspect, for good — particularly among centrist and independent voters and the centrist commentator class in New York and Washington.
I know what he means, and I have been having similar thoughts. Since I have thought that the media has been fawning over McCain for, well, years, the recent change has been welcome. A democracy needs a critical, assertive press to function properly. (Note, not a rabid pack of snarling dogs, just regular fact-checking and journalism.)
But my first thought when I read the above was Hillary Clinton.
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