A little humor from the folks at the Journal of Economic Perspectives. OK, they don’t mean it has humor. Their article “Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?” is a serious work looking at the various socioeconomic factors driving pornography consumption or as they say:
For economists, the adult entertainment industry offers several aspects of
interest. On the production side, for example, the adult entertainment industry has
repeatedly proven to be among the first to adopt new imaging technologies. For
example, Johnson (1996) concludes that adult videos spurred early purchases of
home video cassette recorders. More recently, as studios evaluated competing
high-definition DVD formats HD-DVD and Blu-ray, at least some studios chose
Blu-ray upon observing that adult studios favored that format (Mearian, 2006).
Looking back, adult entertainment was an early adopter of a wide variety of
image-related technologies—including ancient sculpture (Diver, 2005), the book
(Moulton, 2000), and the photograph (Loth, 1961).
Still, it’s not hard to find humor in the reams of data contained in the report. The top state in Internet porn subscriptions per broadband user: Utah. Numbers two and three: Alaska and Mississippi. Those are really red states consuming all that porn. OK, Hawaii comes in at number four, but then comes Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Dakota and Louisiana. See any pattern there? Maybe those blue state folks are just better at finding free porn.
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